A Professional Engineering Fraternity

The purpose of Theta Tau is to develop and maintain a high standard of professional interest among its members, and to unite them in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship.

Theta Tau is a coed, professional engineering fraternity, which combines the social aspects of greek life with the desire to excel as engineers. Theta Tau is the largest and oldest engineering fraternity in the country, with 35 active chapters and over 1700 active members across the United States. With emphasis on quality and a strong fraternal bond, the Fraternity has chapters only at ABET accredited schools, and limits to fifty the number of student members in any one of its chapters across the nation.

Chapters of Theta Tau provide a program of activities to meet the social as well as the professional needs of their members. Student members are encouraged to participate also in technical societies, intramural competition, student government, and other activities.

Theta Tau offers benefits which appeal alike to the student and to the alumnus. The Fraternity helps the member to make the transition from student days to years of professional practice ahead -- from a closely-knit chapter to a body of alumni ready and willing to advise and assist. There are many alumni in places of high responsibility throughout the world, all wearing the same badge and speaking the language of the engineering profession.

A Brief History of the National Organization

Theta Tau was founded as the Society of Hammer and Tongs on October 15, 1904, by four mining engineering students at the University of Minnesota: Erich J. Schrader, Elwin L. Vinal, William M. Lewis, and Isaac B. Hanks. In 1911, representatives of the three chapters and the alumni association met for the first national Convention, and the name was changed to Theta Tau. Perhaps most important for its future expansion, it was decided that Theta Tau would include all branches of engineering.

In 1964 the Convention adopted the colony program as the standard route which a local fraternity would follow in becoming a Theta Tau Chapter. In 1977, a plan adopted by the 1976 Convention was implemented, making women eligible for membership.

Over 26,400 members had been initiated as the Fraternity celebrated its 90th Anniversary.

The NU Colony

Founded in April of 1993, our colony had 24+ active members (and many alums) spanning all engineering disciplines. Membership to Theta Tau is limited to students in the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (commonly called 'Tech' by most NU students).

Epsilon Gamma Chapter

On November 18, 1995, the NU colony of Theta Tau was installed as the Epsilon Gamma chapter of Theta Tau, see the Installation Page for more details.


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Introduction to Theta Tau / Rebecca Juarez / r-juarez@nwu.edu Comments
Last modified on 4/3/99