"McCormick Home", "url" => "http://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/"), Array("title" => $body_title, "url" => Null));
require($scriptsDir . "page_head.inc");
- User Accounts: Logins and passwords for each group will be reissued at the beginning of Spring Quarter. This will be coordinated through Jared Tuberty. Also, please note that login access will be available through FTP only.
- CGI Scripting: For security reasons, the main McCormick Web server doesn't allow CGI scripts, like those for mail or registration forms, or ASP and JSP scripting. It does, however, support PHP scripts and has MySQL database connectivity available. Please contact the Webmaster for more information, or if your group will need help converting your existing files.
- Email Accounts: Email accounts on the MSGroups domain (your-group@msgroups.tech.northwestern.edu) will no longer be active, however they can be replaced with an account on the McCormick domain (your-group@mccormick.northwestern.edu). Again, please contact the Webmaster for more information.
- File Names: The McCormick Web server doesn't allow the use of spaces or special characters (&*[]'$@, etc.) in file names. Any of these characters in the names of your existing files have been replaced with an underscore (_), so please check your site carefully for any broken images or links that this may have caused. Also, uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as different characters, so "index.html", "Index.HTML", and "INDEX.HTML" can be three different files, so please be careful.
If you have any questions or comments, need any help with accounts on the new MSGroups server, or would like some assistance in getting your site operational on the new server, please contact the McCormick Web Support Group.
The McCormick Student Groups currently utilizing this machine include:
If you have a student group and either would like to get an account on this machine or have questions about its use, see this page.